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Oklahoma City, OK 73118
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Grand Dental Studio OKC Blog

Are Bad Teeth Genetic? A Dentist Definitely Answers

August 14, 2019

family smiling A person’s genetics can tell you a lot about them—the color of their hair and eyes, where their family originally comes from, the shade of their skin…But when it comes to the teeth, how big of a role does genetics play? If your parents have bad teeth, then is your smile doomed? Or, if you already have bad teeth, will your children inevitably rack up large dental bills? Fortunately, according to your dentist in Oklahoma City, while genetics definitely do matter, when it concerns how healthy and strong the teeth are, this is largely in people’s control. (more…)

Sleep Apnea Screening and Treatment Options Now Offered with Dr. Kirk

August 1, 2019

Man trying to sleepEvery day, around 20 million Americans wake up feeling exhausted due to Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), the second most common sleep disorder in the U.S. (right behind insomnia).  OSA can rob people of their nightly rest and their overall health if left untreated.

Sleep Apnea started as a personal journey for Dr. Kirk. “I was exercising five days a week and eating healthy. However, I was still tired, had higher than normal blood pressure, was irritable with my family, and snored louder than a freight train my wife said.”  Dr. Kirk started extensive continuing education over two years ago. Through that process, he identified that he rated severe  Obstructive Sleep Apnea on the Apnea-Hypopnea Index.


Should You Go to the ER or an Emergency Dentist?

July 26, 2019

emergency signIt happened in an instant.

At one moment, your child was just playing a game with their friends, and the next, there was a collision, and now they’re holding their mouth saying one of their teeth is loose and really hurts. Dental emergencies like these happen all the time, leading people to ask the same question, “Should I head to the ER or contact an emergency dentist?” While ERs save people’s lives every single day, when it comes to urgent situations involving the teeth, you should always visit an emergency dentist, and here are the top 3 reasons why. (more…)

Dentist Helps You Soothe Your Sensitive Teeth

June 23, 2019

sensitive teeth due to ice cream It’s June, so summer has officially arrived, but unlike your friends, you find yourself skipping ice cream as the weather heats up. Why? Because you get a healthy dose of dental pain with every sweet bite. Dental sensitivity associated with hot and cold foods or drinks is a very common problem, so in honor of Oral Health Month, your dentist is going to share why your teeth may be sensitive, and better yet, how you can make it stop. (more…)

Non-Dental Factors to Consider Before Getting Cosmetic Dentistry Services

May 24, 2019

woman smiling After years of feeling self-conscious about your smile and always hiding it in pictures, you’ve finally decided to do something about it. You’ve even done some research online and are pretty sure about the treatment(s) you want. However, when it comes to improving your smile, it’s not just your teeth that matter. Before you actually sit in the dentist’s chair to get cosmetic dentistry services, make sure you and your dentist consider the following factors as well to guarantee the best possible results. (more…)

Why You Should Love Your Dental Hygienist in Oklahoma City

April 10, 2019

dental hygienist with patient Whenever you visit the dentist, it’s usually the doctor that gets all the credit, but in truth, giving people healthy smiles is always a team effort. The second week of April is actually National Dental Hygienist Week, a time where the dental community highlights these often unsung heroes of oral health. What all does a dental hygienist do? What does it take to become a dental hygienist in Oklahoma City? Today, we answer these questions so you’ll appreciate your next dental cleaning even more! (more…)

Make Cavities Virtually Disappear with Tooth-Colored Fillings

March 26, 2019

white filling It’s just a standard trip to your dentist when they give you the bad news: you have a cavity. “Great,” you think to yourself, “Now I have to get this ugly gray filling that everyone will be able to see!” In the past, that would have been true, but now, tooth-colored fillings in Oklahoma City give patients the option to fix their cavities without changing the appearance of their teeth. It offers the best of both worlds when it comes to restorative and cosmetic dentistry, and they only take one appointment to get as well! (more…)

Dentist Helps You Stop the World’s Most Common Dental Problem

February 27, 2019

close-up of the gumsDespite all the attention that cavities get in ads for oral healthcare products and dentist’s offices, they actually are NOT the most prominent dental problem in the world. That dubious title goes to gum disease, which according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 50% of the US adult population has right now. In honor of February, which is officially Gum Disease Awareness Month, your dentist in Oklahoma City is going to (quickly) cover everything you need to know about gum disease, including what it is, what to look out for, and how you can protect yourself. (more…)

4 Essential Tips From Your Children’s Dentist in Oklahoma City

January 21, 2019

happy childIf you’re like many parents, your New Year’s Resolution probably has nothing to do with you hitting the gym or starting a new diet. Rather, your focus is on changing something so that your child will be happier and healthier in 2019. When it comes to improving a child’s overall wellbeing and self-confidence, prioritizing their dental health will give you the most bang for your buck by far. With Children’s Dental Health Month coming up in February, your children’s dentist in Oklahoma City is happy to share some helpful tips on how to improve your little one’s oral health this year. (more…)

How to Maximize Your 2018 Dental Insurance in Oklahoma City

December 5, 2018

saving moneyWe’ve officially entered the holiday season, which means it’s the perfect time of year to enjoy your favorite treats, listen to nostalgic music, and go to more parties than you can count. But, did you know this is also the perfect time to use your dental insurance in Oklahoma City? By going to the dentist before 2019, you’ll easily be able to save hundreds on your dental care, but these benefits will be gone before you know it! What does this all mean? Read on to find out! (more…)