You’ll literally find countless blogs and articles online talking about how certain foods are great for your body and will help you do anything from lose weight to set new records in the gym. But, many of them forget about one of the most important parts of you—your mouth! March is officially National Nutrition Month, and in that spirit, here are a few tasty treats you can enjoy knowing that they are working hard to give you a healthy smile you’ll be eager to show off. (more…)
Grand Dental Studio OKC Blog
How to Protect Your Smile During Cold & Flu Season
February 11, 2020
Cold and flu season is upon us, and if you’re like most people, you definitely don’t have time to get sick. While coughing, sneezing, and fever are all common symptoms, many people don’t know that their chances of developing cavities rise as well whenever they have the cold or flu. Why? Because many remedies designed to help you deal with these ailments are actually bad for your teeth! Thankfully, by keeping a few key things in mind, you can reduce your cold/flu symptoms without harming your smile in the process. (more…)
Tonya Morris-Cameron RN, MMP Aesthetic Nurse Specialist
January 29, 2020
The word is out! We are providing high-quality facial aesthetics at Grand Dental Studio with veteran clinician, Tonya Morris-Cameron, RN, MMP. Tonya has been performing aesthetic medical procedures since 2006. Tonya’s vast experience includes permanent makeup, microblading, scalp tattoo, dermal fillers, Botox for face and hyperhidrosis; Dysport, microneedling with PRP option for face and scalp hair restoration; Fibroblast Plasma Pen, lip fillers, dermaplaning, medical-grade peels and skincare. (more…)
3 Oral Health Facts Every Man Should Know
January 15, 2020
James Brown famously sang, “It’s a man’s world,” but when it comes to oral health, women are definitely in charge. Men are much more likely than women to develop minor problems like cavities as well as serious ones like oral cancer, so this begs the question, “What’s up with men’s oral health?” Fortunately, research has shown us the answers, and by learning a few key facts, every man can know exactly what they need to do to achieve and maintain a healthy, confident smile. (more…)
Amalgam vs. Tooth-Colored Fillings: Which One is Better?
December 11, 2019
After spending a few extra moments in the mirror this morning with your mouth wide open, you’re pretty sure that one of your teeth has a cavity. While this is certainly annoying, getting minor cavities repaired is a fairly quick and easy process thanks to modern-day fillings. As with everything else these days, however, you have a choice. Amalgam and tooth-colored fillings have been used to literally fix millions of cavities over the years, but which one should you get? It turns out there are pluses and minuses for each type, and knowing more can make your care decision nice and straightforward. (more…)
The #1 Way to Keep Yourself Safe from Oral Cancer
November 15, 2019
In November, the warm coats come out, and most people are starting to think about Thanksgiving and the countless other holiday festivities that are just around the corner. Little do people know that it’s actually Mouth Cancer Action Month, a time when extra attention is paid to oral cancer. This condition isn’t talked about often in the media, but it’s actually more deadly than both skin and cervical cancer, and not everyone who gets it is a heavy smoker or drinker. Fortunately, with a little know-how and some simple habits, you and your loved ones can make sure you stay safe and don’t add to the ever-growing statistics. (more…)
Top 3 Reasons to Not Skip Your Routine Dental Visits
October 18, 2019
One of the most common pieces of advice you’ll hear when it comes to your teeth is that you should get a checkup and cleaning at least once every six months, and while this doesn’t sound like a lot, many people still find excuses to skip out on these appointments. Whether someone has dental anxiety or simply doesn’t think anything is wrong with their teeth, there’s always a reason to avoid professional dental hygiene. Unfortunately, this can lead to serious issues for both your smile as well as your overall health! Here are the top three reasons why you should always see your dentist at least twice a year. (more…)
Why Ignoring Your Gums is Always a Bad Idea
September 1, 2019
When it comes to taking care of your smile, it’s probably your teeth that get most of your attention, but in reality, your gums matter just as much for your oral health. Without healthy gums, a strong and attractive smile is basically impossible! September is actually National Gum Care Month, so today, we’re going to cover how to prevent, detect, and treat the biggest threat to their health: gum disease. (more…)
Are Bad Teeth Genetic? A Dentist Definitely Answers
August 14, 2019
A person’s genetics can tell you a lot about them—the color of their hair and eyes, where their family originally comes from, the shade of their skin…But when it comes to the teeth, how big of a role does genetics play? If your parents have bad teeth, then is your smile doomed? Or, if you already have bad teeth, will your children inevitably rack up large dental bills? Fortunately, according to your dentist in Oklahoma City, while genetics definitely do matter, when it concerns how healthy and strong the teeth are, this is largely in people’s control. (more…)
Sleep Apnea Screening and Treatment Options Now Offered with Dr. Kirk
August 1, 2019
Every day, around 20 million Americans wake up feeling exhausted due to Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), the second most common sleep disorder in the U.S. (right behind insomnia). OSA can rob people of their nightly rest and their overall health if left untreated.
Sleep Apnea started as a personal journey for Dr. Kirk. “I was exercising five days a week and eating healthy. However, I was still tired, had higher than normal blood pressure, was irritable with my family, and snored louder than a freight train my wife said.” Dr. Kirk started extensive continuing education over two years ago. Through that process, he identified that he rated severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea on the Apnea-Hypopnea Index.