Do dental hygienists just clean teeth all day, every day? While this might make sense on the surface, performing thorough cleanings is actually just a fraction of what a hygienist does in a dental office. They are an essential part of every practice, and to see why, you’ll find a list of all the duties they perform to help their patients achieve and maintain healthy, beautiful smiles.
(more…)Grand Dental Studio OKC Blog
The Curious Connection Between Gum Disease & Alzheimer’s
September 21, 2021
Gum disease and Alzheimer’s disease are two conditions that affect millions of people around the world, but new research has revealed a relationship between the two, indicating that the presence of one may actually lead to the other. How does this work? Can an oral infection really cause serious cognitive issues? To learn a little more about this connection and what steps you can take to protect both your brain and smile, read on below.
(more…)4 Myths About Cosmetic Dentistry You Shouldn’t Believe
August 31, 2021
While millions of Americans enhance their teeth each year with cosmetic dentistry, there are millions of others who want to, but don’t. Why? Often, it’s because they believe certain myths that make visiting a cosmetic dentist in Oklahoma City seem like a bad idea. But today, we’re going to debunk the most common myths and show why getting the smile you’ve always wanted is much simpler (and more affordable) than you might think.
(more…)4 Signs That It’s Time to Replace Your Veneers
July 18, 2021
Veneers are by far one of the most popular cosmetic treatments available today, even if you’re not just talking about dentistry. Once in place, they can be expected to last for about 15-20 years, and while that is certainly a long time, it’s far from forever. Thankfully, replacing veneers in Oklahoma City is a fast and easy process. For most people, the tricky part is knowing when they should see their dentist so their smile can be updated, which is why we’re highlighting the 4 telltale signs that it’s time for you to get new veneers.
(more…)5 Benefits You’ll Reap From Veneers
June 17, 2021
Veneers have been one of the most popular cosmetic treatments around the world for decades because it can eliminate multiple dental flaws at the same time, and they are pretty much required if you want to be an actor, model, or pop singer. While the idea of veneers sounds great, what are the actual benefits of the procedure? What is so good about them that someone would pick up the phone and schedule an appointment with a cosmetic dentist in Oklahoma City? In today’s blog, the real-life, down-to-earth benefits of this treatment are revealed so you can get a better idea of whether or not it would be right for you.
(more…)Is Sleep Apnea on the Rise?
May 14, 2021
More and more research is starting to reveal an unsettling fact that dentists have known for years: obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is becoming much, much more common. Some studies show that OSA occurs in 1 out of 4 people, including children! Why is this the case? And, more importantly, what can you do to lower your risk of developing this incredibly harmful condition? Your sleep dentist in Oklahoma City answers these questions and much more so you can rest easy tonight.
(more…)How a Trip to the Dentist Could Save Your Life
April 13, 2021
There is a disease that doesn’t get a lot of attention, but it claims at least one life each and every hour here in the US. It’s called oral cancer, and while it doesn’t receive the same kind of attention as breast, lung, or blood cancers, it is actually among the deadliest varieties because it is widely outside of the public consciousness. The medical community is striving to change this by officially making April Oral Cancer Awareness Month. In today’s blog, you’ll learn what causes this disease and how a simple checkup at the dentist could literally save your life.
(more…)3 Easy Diet Tips to Protect Your Little One’s Smile
March 8, 2021
One of the most important decisions a parent makes every day is choosing what their child is going to eat, as it can impact their overall health, growth, and weight. But, it’s important to keep in mind that a child’s diet can greatly affect their oral health as well. Even with consistent brushing and flossing, a poor diet can still leave someone vulnerable to cavities and gum disease, especially those who still have their baby teeth! March is National Nutrition Month, so today, a dentist in Oklahoma City is going to share 3 essential diet tips that every parent should know.
(more…)4 Essential Tips for Children’s Dental Health Month
February 8, 2021
February is usually most closely associated with Valentine’s Day, but did you know that it’s actually National Children’s Dental Health Month? Organized by the American Dental Association, it’s a time where dentists, parents, and teachers all come together to emphasize the importance of oral care for growing smiles. If you’re concerned about your children’s dental health in Oklahoma City, don’t worry, because these 4 simple tips will make sure they have plenty to smile about in 2021.
(more…)Why Routine Dental Appointments Are As Important as Ever in 2021
January 22, 2021
Even though it’s already 2021, people are still being asked to stay at home as much as possible by health officials to keep everyone safe. For many, this is as good an excuse as any to skip their routine dental appointments. However, this is a big mistake, even during a pandemic! Routine dental appointments accomplish much more than simply helping you avoid cavities—in fact, they are essential for maintaining your long-term dental health in Oklahoma City. If you don’t have a dental appointment scheduled yet, here are a few reasons why you should very soon.