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Oklahoma City, OK 73118
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Grand Dental Studio OKC Blog

We’re Taking Our Dentistry to the Next Level

September 6, 2022

CBCT scanner

Again, we have upgraded!

Grand Dental Studio prides itself on having a state-of-the-art facility, and to ensure that stays true year after year, we consistently invest in the latest, proven technology. Our most recent purchase is the Dentsply Sirona Axeos CBCT scanner, which will allow us to take our diagnostic services and treatment planning to new heights. How will this affect your appointments with us moving forward? It will change things quite a bit (for the better), but here are the most important points we want to highlight.


4 Dental Safety Tips Just in Time for Back-to-School

August 1, 2022

Smiling boy wearing a backpack.

The to-do list for parents is always long, but it grows exponentially when school is about to start. You probably have plenty of things on your mind—making sure your child has the right supplies and clothes they didn’t grow out of over the summer—so it’s understandable if their oral health isn’t at the forefront. However, every year, thousands of children miss school because of preventable dental problems, so taking a little extra time to look out for your child’s dental safety is important ahead of classes. Thankfully, your dentist in Oklahoma City has put together this easy list of four things you can do so you can cross another item off in record time.


Before Your Smile Makeover, Ask Your Dentist these 5 Questions First!

July 15, 2022

40-something year old woman smiling with blue shirt

Are you ready to finally do something about your teeth and get the bright, confident smile you’ve always wanted? If so, then you may be a good candidate for a smile makeover! Millions of people in your position have achieved their dream look this way, but if you read even a little bit about smile makeovers online, you know they can be quite involved in some cases. You probably have a lot of questions, but out of all of them, the following five are the most important ones you should ask your dentist.


Here Are 4 Must-Know Oral Hygiene Tips for Men’s Health Month

June 2, 2022

Man with healthy smile practicing yoga

June is an exciting time! Not only is it graduation season, Father’s Day, and the beginning of summer, but it’s also Men’s Health Month and National Smiles Month. At first, it may seem like these two things aren’t related. However, a deeper look will show that they certainly are, especially since caring for your smile is about more than just keeping your teeth stain-free and your gums infection-free – it’s about enhancing your overall well-being as well. With this in mind, here are a few must-know men’s dental health tips.


The Easiest Way to Help Out Your High School Graduate This Summer

May 6, 2022

outdoor high school graduation ceremony

This summer is going to be a busy one for your family. Your child is graduating high school, which means in addition to the big ceremony itself, there are going to be multiple parties, dinners, and all sorts of gatherings between family and long-time friends. And, that’s not even considering the planning that goes into getting ready for college or a big trip. There’s a lot to think about, and as a parent, you just want to help your child. What is the best way to do it? Thankfully, with a little assistance from your dentist in Oklahoma City, you can take a little bit off of their plate and ensure they’ll enjoy this summer as much as possible.


Professional vs. Store-Bought Teeth Whitening: The 4 Differences Everyone Should Know

April 8, 2022

cheerful woman smiling

If you want to whiten your teeth and get rid of stains, you’ll find an overwhelming number of choices at your local grocery store or pharmacy. The oral care aisle is packed with whitening products, from toothpaste to strips to kits and more. With all this selection, why would you ever choose to get a professional treatment that involves visiting a dentist? In truth, there are a ton of differences between these two approaches, and if your goal is a brighter smile, then you should definitely be aware of them.


4 Ways That Missing Teeth Can Harm Your Nutrition

March 8, 2022

National Nutrition Month logo

When a person loses a tooth, often, their biggest concern is their appearance, especially if it was toward the front. However, tooth loss can have far-reaching effects beyond the image you see in the mirror. In fact, it can drastically alter the way you’re able to eat and get nutrients from food, which can lead to all kinds of overall health problems in addition to even more tooth loss. If you need motivation to keep up with your oral hygiene and/or finally replace your missing teeth, be sure to read about some of the ways that tooth loss can affect your nutrition below.


3 Black Americans Who Broke Barriers to Become Dentists

February 18, 2022

female dentist smiling in office

When talking about the history of dentistry in America, it’s important to highlight the separate journey that Black Americans had to take in order to contribute to the profession and public health at large. While this blog highlights three prominent dentists in honor of Black History Month, it needs to be stated that they are just a small sample of a group of several figures whose accomplishments helped shape our country both in terms of oral health as well as civil rights.


New Year New Smile: Why You Should Start 2022 with Cosmetic Dentistry

January 10, 2022

attractive couple smiling outdoors

Right now, countless Americans are doing their best to take better care of themselves. They are sleeping more, exercising regularly, and refining their diets. While these are excellent long-term goals, the main issue is that people won’t start experiencing the benefits for months, in which time they can become demotivated, so most will stop altogether. If you want to do something for yourself that will make you look and feel better right now, cosmetic dentistry is an option that most people never consider. Here’s how it can help you get much closer to both your wellness and aesthetic goals in relatively little time.  


How to Achieve a Healthier Smile for 2022 in 5 Steps

December 30, 2021

young woman with perfect smile

It’s cliché, but committing to being healthier is one of the most common New Year’s Resolutions in the world. It’s no surprise, as improved health can help someone feel better both mentally and physically, creating countless positive ripples in their personal and professional life. Before you sign up for a diet app or gym membership, consider how committing to enhancing your oral health might be a good idea. A healthier smile is more attractive, which can boost your confidence, plus you’ll lower your risk of dealing with serious (and expensive) dental issues in the future. Plus, getting started is much, much easier compared to other health-related resolutions. Here are a few simple ways you can take your smile to the next level in 2022.
