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Grand Dental Studio OKC Blog

DIAGNOdent Laser Cavity Detection in OKC

December 16, 2012

diagnodentCavities are a very common dental health issue. Despite our best efforts to brush and floss, sometimes they can still occur. The best way to treat cavities is to find them as early as possible. At Grand Dental Nichols Hills, we use DIAGNOdent technology to help detect cavities in their infancy.

DIAGNOdent is a small, portable dental laser that can detect cavities earlier than any of the previously existing detection methods. This is a real benefit, because the earlier a cavity is detected, the smaller it is and thus the easier it is to repair the damage.

Our DIAGNOdent laser will scan your teeth, using laser reflection to find imperfections in your teeth. DIAGNOdent will alert us with an audible signal when a cavity is detected. Then, it will generate a numerical readout to give us an indication of the size of the cavity. This tool is a great asset in our ongoing quest to provide our patients with the best dental care possible.

Interested in learning more about DIAGNOdent technology or one of our other services? Call us today at Grand Dental Nichols Hills to schedule your appointment! Our Oklahoma City dental office is conveniently located for patients who live or work in the greater OKC area.

Use Your Dental Benefits Before the Year Is Over

November 14, 2012

dental benefitsThe end of the year is getting closer and closer. That means that, for many, remaining dental benefits are about to expire. So, with the two months we have left, why not take advantage of them right now?

One of the best ways you can use your benefits is to cover a regular checkup and professional cleaning. We recommend having visits like these every six months, that way our doctors can keep an eye out for even the smallest change in your oral health.

What kinds of changes?

Signs of decay, for instance, or the appearance of gum disease. These common oral health conditions can have a negative impact on your oral health and overall well being, especially when treatment is delayed. The purpose of a regular checkup and professional cleaning is to provide preventive care, and to alert you to things you need to care for in a timely manner.

Another reason to use up your benefits now is that it may take multiple visits to give your smile the care it needs. To make sure those visit lie within the 2012 calendar year, we need to see you as soon as possible.

Call our Nichols Hills dental office to schedule your next visit. During your visit, your doctor would be happy to answer your treatment question, while our team would be more than willing to address any insurance-related questions you might have. Our office is located in Oklahoma City and serves patients from all around the greater OKC area.

The Relationship between Sugar and Your Teeth

October 10, 2012

halloweenHalloween is just a couple of weeks away now. That means that, soon, another night of trick-or-treating will be underway. Trick-or-treating may primarily be a young kid’s activity, but if we adults are honest, we’ll admit to nabbing a piece of candy (or two or three) from the supply we bought to hand out.

And there’s nothing wrong with that. Enjoying a piece of candy from time to time is a good thing. But so are a balanced diet and excellent brushing and flossing habits.

So instead of making you feel guilty for eating candy this Halloween, we’d just like to briefly explain how sugar interacts with your teeth. That way you can make more informed decisions this Halloween season for you and your children.

Does Sugar Cause Cavities?

Yes and no. Sugar itself doesn’t cause cavities, but it does create just the right kind of environment for them to flourish in.

That’s because we all have a special type of bacteria in our mouths that feeds off sugar. When you consume foods or drinks high in sugar, the resultant feeding frenzy leads to the creation of acid. It’s this acid that attacks our vulnerable tooth enamel and causes it to decalcify.

That doesn’t mean that all sweeteners are bad for your teeth, though. Xylitol, a natural sweetener found in fruits and vegetables, has much fewer calories than regular sugar and promotes a health, stable pH level in the mouth. It’s so effective that it’s sometimes used in toothpastes and mouthwashes to help patients protect their teeth.

Tips for This Halloween

So what should you be doing this Halloween?

First, have fun. Don’t worry about enjoying your favorite candy. But don’t overindulge either. Set limits for yourself and your children, and consider substituting traditional candy with candy sweetened with xylitol.

Second, always brush and floss after enjoying your Halloween treats. You can also use a fluoride mouthwash to give your teeth even more help in the fight against decay.

And third, call Grand Dental in Nichols Hills if it’s been more than six months since your last visit. Regular exams and cleanings from our team are an important step in protecting your smile and improving your overall quality of life.

Back to School, Back to the Grind

September 15, 2012

nightguardIn our last post we brought up the start of a new school year, which brings to mind a saying we’re sure you’re familiar with—back to the daily grind. That’s what August and September can feel like as teachers, students, and parents re-structure their time around another school year.

But there’s a big difference between that phrase—“the daily grind”—and a very serious condition known as bruxism. Often triggered by stress, which a new school year can cause, bruxism involves the unconscious grinding of teeth. Patients who struggle with bruxism may grind their teeth anytime, but it’s most common while they’re asleep.

The reason why teeth grinding is something to be concerned about is that all that pressure and motion can injure teeth, as well as the muscle and tissues around the jaw.

But the good news is that teeth grinding isn’t just a problem you have to live with. It can be easily treated with a nightguard from Grand Dental in Nichols Hills. Nightguards are made to prevent teeth from grinding, preserving oral health and eliminating the symptoms of bruxism.

Symptoms of bruxism include:

  • Sore jaw
  • Headaches
  • Earaches
  • TMJ dysfunction

If you think you might be struggling with bruxism, our doctors would love to help. Call Grand Dental in Nichols Hills today to reserve a visit. With a nightguard, we can help you eliminate uncomfortable systems to enjoy healthier teeth and gums.

Have You Scheduled Your Child’s Back-to-School Visit?

August 19, 2012

back-to-school dental checkupOver the next few weeks, families in Oklahoma and everywhere else in the country will be facing a new school year. That means that now is when parents will be focused on buying new clothes for their kids, new schools supplies, a new lunchbox or backpack, and more. What can get lost in all that great rush of activity, though, is something that’s very important—a back-to-school dental checkup.

There’s no better time than right now, with school just starting or about to start, to bring your child or teenager into Grand Dental in OKC for a dental visit and cleaning.

Why now?

Because as hectic as preparing for a new school year is, the rest of the year may be just a busy, with homework, projects, and extracurricular activities competing for your child’s time. So why not bring your son or daughter in now, before all of that ramps up?

With a regular dental visit and professional cleaning, our doctors can check your child’s smile for signs of tooth decay or gum disease. These common oral health conditions should be treated as soon as possible. When left untreated, they can quickly worsen, requiring more extensive work and even affecting overall health.

Call Grand Dental Nichols Hills to schedule a back-to-school dental visit for your child. We proudly serve patients from all across the greater OKC area.

Receive the Care You Need with Sedation Dentistry from Grand Dental Nichols Hills

July 10, 2012

sedation dentistryA healthy smile is important, not only for your teeth and gums but for your overall health as well. But as important as visiting the dentist is, strong feelings of anxiety can be enough to keep some from even just a routine exam and cleaning.

Where does this anxiety come from?

It may be linked to a past visit, or it may be related to something else entirely, like a sensitive gag reflex or a neuromuscular condition that makes sitting for long periods unbearable.

Whatever might be keeping you from seeking essential care, our doctors at Grand Dental Nichols Hills can help with sedation dentistry.

What Is Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation dentistry uses safe and effective means to create a relaxed sense of calm in patients who struggle with anxiety.

There are three common types—nitrous oxide, oral sedation, and IV sedation. Each one works great, but not every type is right for every patient. For patients who would describe their anxiety level as mild or moderate, nitrous oxide and oral sedation may work the best. But for patients who would describe their anxiety as moderate to severe, IV sedation may be what you need. To help our OKC-area patients achieve a deep sense of calm with IV sedation, we work with trained anesthesiologists to ensure your safety as you receive care. Each anesthesiologist we work with is certified and will stay with you during your entire procedure to monitor your vital signs and ensure you remain absolutely safe from start to finish.

Want To Learn More?

If you’ve put off essential care for too long and want to learn more, call our Nichols Hills office today to schedule a consultation appointment. During your appointment we can explain your options and help you decide on a sedation dentistry option that will work best for you. We serve patients from all across the greater OKC area.

Give Your Smile Extra Protection with Dental Sealants from Grand Dental

June 10, 2012

dental sealantsYou may have heard of dentists using dental sealants to help young patients protect their teeth, but did you know that adult patients can benefit from them too? After all, it’s not just children who get cavities in the pits and grooves of their teeth—it can happen to anyone. But with dental sealants, it’s possible to keep teeth healthy and cavity-free.

What Are Dental Sealants?

Dental sealants are a thin plastic film that we apply daily to the smiles of our Oklahoma City patients. More specifically, sealants are applied to the chewing surfaces of molars in a two-step process.

In the first stage of this process, your teeth will be prepared with a special cleaning and etching solution. Then, after about 15 seconds, we’ll rinse that off, dry your teeth, coat them with our sealant, and then use our curing light to turn that liquid into a hardened plastic that provides a physical barrier for teeth, protecting them from cavity-causing bacteria.

When Should Dental Sealants Be Placed?

Dental sealants can be used to protect molar and premolar chewing surfaces, meaning they can be placed at almost any age. First permanent molars erupt at about age 6. By placing sealants on them shortly after they erupt we can protect them from developing cavities where food and bacteria collect. Second permanent molars erupt later on at about 12 years. As with the first case, the grooves of these teeth are also susceptible to cavities and can benefit from the protection dental sealants can offer.

Want To Learn More?

Do you want to learn more about how you can safeguard your teeth with dental sealants? Call Grand Dental Nichols Hills today with your questions or to schedule an appointment with us. The doctors at our Oklahoma City office serve patients from the greater OKC area.

Cosmetic Dentistry: Which Services Are Right for You?

May 19, 2012

cosmetic dentistryAt Grand Dental in Nichols Hills, we offer three great cosmetic dentistry services for patients from Oklahoma City and beyond to take advantage of:

With each one, we can help you achieve the more confident, attractive smile you’ve dreamed. But as effective as each one is, not every service will be right for you. So how can you find out which is just right for your smile?

By coming to see us at our Oklahoma City office!

With just a short visit at with one of our doctors, we can take a look at your smile, talk to you about your expectations, and answer any questions you might have. We can also talk to you about a few services that have restorative and cosmetic benefits. These include white crowns, white fillings, white inlays and onlays, dentures and partials, and dental implants. It may be that one of these will work best for your situation.

Get Started on Your New Smile Today

If you’re ready to improve your confidence by improving your smile, give our Oklahoma City office a call today. With our range of cosmetic and cosmetic-restorative services, our doctors can help you face the world with a newfound confidence in your smile and your oral health.

We look forward to hearing from you!