1057 NW Grand Boulevard,
Oklahoma City, OK 73118
Call Today! (405) 848-3719

Grand Dental Studio OKC Blog

Ways You Can Prevent Heart Disease

August 18, 2014


On average, 600,000 Americans die of heart disease every year, and is also the leading cause of death in men and women. Every year, 720,000 Americans experience a heart attack, 515,000 of those being their first. Heart disease is something that should never be taken lightly, and it is important to be well-informed as to how to prevent it affecting your body and your family. The American Heart Association has a few simple tips for people of all ages in order to avoid heart disease, leading them down the path of exceptional heart health. Dr. Michael Kirk wants his patients to know clever ways they can prevent heart disease so they can have a full life.

When you are in your 20s, it is important to find a doctor that you trust and have regular wellness exams performed. By doing this, you are making sure that everything in your body is working well, and working well together. Your doctor knowing your diet and lifestyle are important in preventing heart disease, and will be able to perform heart-health screenings. Make sure you are as physically active as possible and avoid all tobacco-based products, steering clear from even secondhand smoke. In your 30s, being informed on your family history of heart disease is an important step in deterrence. When you are better informed as to the history your family has with heart disease, the more you are able to take the proper steps in order to prevent it. Also, avoiding or managing long-term stress is important in having a healthy heart, as stress only increases your blood pressure, causing your arteries to damage.

In your 40s, paying close attention to your weight and having your blood sugar level checked are very important. In your 40s, your metabolism starts to slow down, and any weight that is gained puts more stress on your heart in order to perform properly. By the time you are 45, you should have a fasting blood glucose test done, and should continue to do so every three years. Being more aware of your or your partner’s sleep apnea is also very important, as sleep apnea can lead to stroke, high blood pressure, and heart disease.

In your 50s and 60s, it is important that you are knowledgeable of the warning signs of heart disease and stroke. If you know what you look for, you have a better chance of noticing symptoms earlier and preventing things from becoming worse over the course of time. Focusing on a healthy diet is also important, eating a lot of fruits and vegetables, and having some meals that do not contain meat. If you are on any sort of treatment plan, it is crucial that you stick to the plan as closely as possible. Also, having an ankle-brachial index test done in your 60s is important. This test is able to measure the amount of plaque that has built up in the arteries of your leg, and can eventually lead to your heart. All of these helpful tips are definitely important in making sure you have a healthy heart for years to come!

If you are interested in learning more about how you can prevent heart disease, visit the American Heart Association website.  At Grand Dental Studio, we are able to take care of all of your cosmetic, restorative, or general dentistry services! Call us today at Grand Dental Studio to schedule your appointment. Our Oklahoma City dental office is conveniently located for patients who live or work in the greater OKC area.

Same-Day Emergencies with Dr. Michael Kirk

July 9, 2014

shutterstock_141133663The doctors at Grand Dental Studio understand that in life, nothing is planned and expected at all times. Sometimes accidents happen, whether it is a child falling and scraping their knee, or spilling red wine on a white carpet. There are some accidents, though, that require immediate attention, like a dental accident. If you have ever found yourself in any sort of dental emergency and your dentist was not available, you may have felt helpless in your situation. Luckily, Dr. Michael Kirk is able to handle it immediately.

A dental emergency, such as pain or swelling, is something that should be handled right away. We strive to make sure you are as calm and well taken care of as possible, as we understand emergencies can be a scary time. A member of our team is on call 24/7, weekends included, always making sure that when you need us, we will be there to help alleviate you of your pain. Because our patients mean so much to us, we want to provide them with the upmost personal care, even during emergencies, which is why we are always available to them.

If you ever find yourself in a dental emergency, contact our patient care coordinator at (405) 848-3719. Dr. Kirk serves patients with dental emergencies who reside in Oklahoma City, Bethany, Midwest City, Moore, Edmond, Nichols Hills, Kingfisher, and the surrounding areas. If you are not from the OKC area, we will be more than happy to help arrange your travel plans, schedule, and anything else you may need help with!

If you are experiencing an oral-related emergency and need to see Dr. Kirk immediately, contact our Oklahoma City dental office at once. Our Oklahoma City dental office is conveniently located for patients who live or work in the greater OKC area.

Grand Dental Studio Celebrates 20 Years!

June 9, 2014


Grand Dental Studio is celebrating 20 amazing years of giving the OKC community excellent dental service. Throughout the years, we have seen so many amazing people who have changed our lives and our practice, and we cannot find the right words or actions to properly thank all who have made these past 20 years the best of our lives. The key to any successful business is an amazing team, and we would like to recognize the Grand Dental Studio people who make our jobs a joy every single day.

Dr. Michael Kirk, our amazing owner of Grand Dental Studio, how can we properly thank you for all that you have done? You have been able to see so many amazing things throughout your 20 years with your business, and we know we would be nowhere without you. We thank you for everything you have done for your patients and your community, and we look forward to another 20 years with you! Dr. Janice Henry, thank you for your dedication to continuing your knowledge so you can better serve your patients. Your passion, enthusiasm, and commitment to your job and to us amaze us every day. Your love and experience has made our practice an amazing one, and we are eternally grateful. Dr. Chris Foster, your love of your patients and of your field is always represented in the work you deliver each and every day. Your dedication to your family, your patients, and your faith give us all reason to come to work every day, and you will always be an irreplaceable member of our team.

To our amazing dental hygienists, Stephanie Sanderson, Andrea Smith, Lauren Bell, and Amanda Boston, and to our office clinical support team, Frances, Harlee, Lisa, Charissa, Ashley, and Christine, what would we do without you? Your allegiance to our practice, each other, and the dental field is unmatched by any other dental office. We are so lucky to have each and every one of you, and we know we would not be nearly as successful as a practice and as a dental family if we did not have all of you helping and supporting us. Thank you for all that you do!

Come and join Grand Dental Studio in celebrating 20 amazing years giving excellent dental services to the OKC community! Call us today at Grand Dental Studio to schedule your appointment. Our Oklahoma City dental office is conveniently located for patients who live or work in the greater OKC area.

Save Your Smile From Cavities with DIAGNOdent!

May 29, 2014

shutterstock_107333315Having a cavity is never a fun or pleasurable experience. It is important that once a sign of decay has been detected that you take care of the situation immediately, as to make sure that it does not get any worse. It may be difficult to find tooth decay on your own, and there are times when even dentists need a little help. At Grand Dental Studio, our doctors believe in giving our patients the most accurate treatment when it comes to cavities, and all of that is made easier thanks to DIAGNOdent!

DIAGNOdent is used for locating hidden dental decay by using a laser light. This wonderful dental technology is important to the oral care of your smile, as finding decay below the tooth’s surface can be difficult, as a lot of the microscopic harmful bacteria can spread like wild fire, causing rapid tooth decay. DIAGNOdent takes care of this issue by allowing our doctors to discover hidden decay from below the surface, making your treatment more efficient and successful.

One of the benefits to DIAGNOdent is the fact that it is one hundred percent pain free, and it provides instant feedback as to the health and stability of your tooth. This wonderful tool will make your checkups more efficient and accurate as well as giving you a healthier, beautiful smile!

Interested in learning more about DIAGNOdent or some of our other cosmetic, restorative, or general dentistry services? Call us today at Grand Dental Studio to schedule your appointment. Our Oklahoma City dental office is conveniently located for patients who live or work in the greater OKC area.

We’ll Get To The Crux of Bruxism

April 22, 2014

shutterstock_132960980Every person is unique, especially when it comes to the idea of handling stress. Some people bite their nails while others may eat too much food. A common way people deal with stress, however, is by grinding their teeth. Teeth grinding, also known as bruxism, can not only be detrimental to your teeth, but for your entire mouth. The doctors at Grand Dental Studio are dedicated to making your smile the healthiest it can be, which is why they offer teeth grinding relief for their patients.

With teeth grinding, the continuous pressure and motion on your teeth can damage them, as well as your muscles and tissues surrounding the jaw area. Common side effects of bruxism include a sore jaw, headaches, and earaches. Shockingly enough, bruxism is most prevalent among women, and is generally found in nearly one-third of the population. Constantly grinding your teeth can also attribute to TMJ dysfunction. The temporomandibular joints, located in the jaw, are responsible for allowing your jaw to open and close with ease, and when those joints are compromised, it could lead to a much more serious issue.

Luckily, a simple solution to your bruxism woes is by wearing a nightguard. The nightguard we provide you with is completely custom made, able to fit your mouth and your mouth only. The nightguard will prevent you from being able to grind your teeth as well as absorb the pressure when you clench your jaw. Although a nightguard usually takes care of the issue, we have many other ways of alleviating your bruxism symptoms. Either way, Everyone at Grand Dental Studio is ready to help you with whatever issue you need, as long as it results in a healthy, beautiful smile!

Interested in learning more about bruxism or some of our other cosmetic, restorative, or general dentistry services? Call us today at Grand Dental Studio to schedule your appointment. Our Oklahoma City dental office is conveniently located for patients who live or work in the greater OKC area.

Restore Your Smile with Dental Implants

March 18, 2014

dental implants ftw!If you have teeth missing from your smile, you may find it difficult to be one hundred percent confident in your smile. Though some people may not think twice about it, having an incomplete smile can be detrimental to the rest of your mouth, and it is important to take care of it as soon as possible. Dentures and partials are one way to fix the problem, but you may be looking for a more permanent solution. Because our doctors understand the importance of having a full smile, he is able to offer dental implants to his patients.

The process of dental implanting begins with a consultation with one of our doctors. Dr. Michael Kirk has had extensive postgraduate training on dental implanting from the University of Texas, so he is more than capable of taking care of your procedure. During the consultation, he will be able to assess your smile in its current state, as well as ask you about your long term goals regarding your smile. You will also have that opportunity to bring up any questions or concerns you have regarding your procedure, as we want you to be informed the entire time. If you are considered a candidate, that is where the real fun begins!

A titanium screw will be embedded into your jaw bone. This screw will act as a replacement for the empty socket, and will fuse with your natural bone over time. After the screw, the abutment is added, which is essentially a support system for the implant and the crown. The crown is then placed on top, completing your look. In the end, you’re left with a beautiful smile!

If you’re curious as to how dental implants can help change your smile for the better, make an appointment, and we’ll be more than happy to help!

Interested in learning more about dental implants or some of our other cosmetic, restorative, or general dentistry services? Call us today at Grand Dental Studio to schedule your appointment. Our Oklahoma City dental office is conveniently located for patients who live or work in the greater OKC area.

Celebrate National Children’s Dental Month at Grand Dental Studio!

February 17, 2014

This kid is excited about brushing her teeth!Many people may not know this, but February is National Children’s Dental Month. A child’s teeth is just as important, if not more so, than an adult’s, and because their teeth are brand new and just forming, their smiles are more prone to decay. In order to have a beautiful smile for years to come, your child must become accustomed to the healthy routines and habits at an early age. The doctors at Grand Dental Studio understand the importance of your child’s smile, which is why they offer children’s dentistry.

Dental sealants are an important aspect of children’s dentistry. Because the teeth located toward the back of the mouth have deep grooves and pits, they are more susceptible to bacteria getting lodged and causing problems. Dental sealants protect your child’s teeth by adding a protective layer in the grooves, preventing harmful bacteria from making your child’s smile its new home. Playing a crucial role in cavity prevention, dental sealants cover the molars and premolars, which are the primary chewing teeth.  This is a wonderful way to ensure your child’s smile stays protected.

Fluoride supplements are another wonderful way to keep your little one’s smile looking and feeling great! Fluoride attracts other minerals that help strengthen tooth enamel. Surprisingly, tap water is a good way for your child to get fluoride, but because most people drink bottled water, you child may be missing out on much needed fluoride. We will be able to determine whether or not your child needs a fluoride boost when they come in for their appointment, and we will provide a simple solution.

To take advantage of National Children’s Dental Month, make an appointment for your child today, and let our amazing doctors and staff set your child off on the right path of dental health.

Interested in learning more about our children’s dentistry or some of our other cosmetic, restorative, or general dentistry services? Call us today at Grand Dental Studio to schedule your appointment. Our Oklahoma City dental office is conveniently located for patients who live or work in the greater OKC area.

Feel The Love This Valentine’s Day with $500 off Invisalign!

January 27, 2014

Overly Excited Woman with Huge SmileFeeling insecure about your smile can really take havoc over your life. You may not feel comfortable meeting new people, joining your friends in a laugh, or find it difficult to eat or speak. Though it may not seem like a big deal, having gapped or misaligned teeth can be detrimental for your oral health, and our very experienced doctors take it very seriously. By offering Invisalign to our patients, we believe it is a key component in making sure you have a smile you can be proud of!

One of the key benefits to Invisalign is the fact they offer better oral health than traditional braces. Instead of having a mouth full of uncomfortable, pesky metal, Invisalign’s clear trays allow you to easily remove and reapply the retainers for when you need to eat, drink, brush, or floss. And because the straightening aligners are nearly invisible on your teeth, you will not experience the embarrassment some may feel when they smile or talk.

Because Valentine’s Day is coming up, everyone at Grand Dental Studio has decided to offer a $500 off special for Invisalign. We know we would be nowhere without our amazing patients, and this is our way of showing (and spreading) the love.

Interested in learning more about our Invisalign special or some of our other cosmetic, restorative, or general dentistry services? Call us today at Grand Dental Studio to schedule your appointment. Our Oklahoma City dental office is conveniently located for patients who live or work in the greater OKC area.

Celebrate the New Year with a Straighter Smile

January 6, 2014

shutterstock_140713165If you are a person who suffers from gapped, misaligned teeth or have an off bite, you may think there is no help. You do not want to go through the embarrassment of traditional metal braces, and you are worried of the pain associated with straightening your teeth.  You are in luck, because at Grand Dental Studio, our very experienced and talented dentists will be able to give you the smile you have always wanted with Invisalign Clear Braces!

Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign gives you the discretion you want by being barely, if at all, visible on your teeth. Being FDA approved, there is no doubt Invisalign is a great option for anyone who wants to have their teeth corrected. The entire process involves a series of aligners that are made just for you so it fits your mouth perfectly. Being able to gently straighten your teeth, each aligner you receive will be a new stage in your straightening process, so no aligner is alike.

You should wear each aligner for two weeks, 22 hours a day in order to the most advantageous results.  The whole process should take between 12-18 months, and at the end, you’re left with nothing but a beautiful, even smile you can be proud of!

Interested in learning more about a dental checkup or some of our other cosmetic, restorative, or general dentistry services? Call us today at Grand Dental Studio to schedule your appointment. Our Oklahoma City dental office is conveniently located for patients who live or work in the greater OKC area.

No Bad Breath for 2014!

December 9, 2013

shutterstock_137989865If you think you suffer from bad breath but no one has said anything to you about it, you need to thank your friends and family for being so reserved. Here at Grand Dental Studio, we view bad breath as a serious matter, and our experienced doctors are here to help you on your better breath journey. With 2014 rapidly approaching, we believe a wonderful way to start a new year is to tackle whatever dental issues you put off in 2013.

Bad breath, also known as halitosis, can be caused for many different reasons, and no one is spared from its disadvantages. Bad breath is commonly caused from bacterial tartar buildup in the mouth and tongue, and emits volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs), releasing a smell resembling rotten eggs. Though some people may think bad breath is not that big of a deal, it could be a symptom of a much larger, dangerous picture, such as gum disease, tooth decay, kidney disease, and much more.

When you visit our office, you will be given a full oral evaluation, looking into the current state of your teeth and reviewing your medical history. From there, we will be able to give you advice on how to handle your bad breath, and things you can do to keep it under control. Some of the things you can do is floss and brush after every meal, clean your tongue on a daily basis, and keep a record of the foods you eat throughout the week.

If you are concerned about your bad breath and feel as though we can help, make an appointment with our doctors, and we will all be able to help you begin 2014 in a fresh way!

Interested in learning more about a dental checkup or some of our other cosmetic, restorative, or general dentistry services? Call us today at Grand Dental Studio to schedule your appointment. Our Oklahoma City dental office is conveniently located for patients who live or work in the greater OKC area.