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Help Your Child Start Summer With a Clean Smile!

June 4, 2016

dentist oklahoma cityIt sure is heating up out there, and we know your child is ready for summer… but what about her teeth? Believe it or not, June, July, and August are some of the most cavity-prone months for kiddos, as sweet summer treats and a change in the routine make teeth more vulnerable to the acids and bacteria that cause decay. Your dentist in Oklahoma City wants to remind you to help your little one start this season off with a clean-smile slate by scheduling a checkup and cleaning at Grand Dental Studio! Because preventive dental care is the best way to help her maintain a happy, healthy smile this summer, and for so many more to come.

Summer Means It’s Time for a Dental Checkup and Cleaning

Chances are, your child’s plans for summer include running, playing, and growing — and cavities aren’t anywhere in the picture. When you schedule your child’s summertime preventive appointment, Dr. Kirk, Dr. McNair, or Dr. Henry will check her teeth for decay or other dental issues. Then, our dental hygienists will remove the plaque and tartar buildup that’s had the chance to develop since her last visit to the dentist. We can also provide important tips for better brushing and flossing habits, as needed.

For added protection against cavities this summer, your family dentist in Oklahoma City can also apply dental sealants and fluoride treatments.

Dental Sealants

Thin plastic coverings that are painted directly onto the chewing surface of the back teeth, dental sealants shield the pits and fissures of the molars from the food particles and plaque that cause cavities. It’s a quick, painless procedure that can help keep cavities at bay for years.

Fluoride Treatments

The mineral fluoride provides an extra-strengthening boost for tooth enamel. We can evaluate your child’s need for fluoride during her checkup and apply a quick treatment as needed, to help her stay protected from tooth decay and infection this summer.

Tooth-Colored Fillings

If we do spot signs of decay on your child’s teeth, you don’t have to worry about a silver filling marring her beautiful smile. We can now restore teeth from cavities with a tooth-colored composite resin, a natural-looking solution that requires less removal of the natural tooth structure. The material is also doesn’t expand to hot and cold, for less sensitivity overall.

Schedule a Summer Checkup and Cleaning Today!

When was your child’s last visit to the children’s dentist in Oklahoma City? If it’s been more than six months, remember that a happy summer depends on healthy, decay-free teeth — and that’s accomplished through excellent preventive dental care. Contact Grand Dental Studio to request your child’s checkup and cleaning today!