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Family Dentist in OKC Talks Dental Hygiene

March 15, 2016

family dentist okcYou wouldn’t let your car go more than six months without an oil change, so why do so many adults let their oral maintenance go ignored? Preventive dental care is an investment just like anything else, and the healthy, beautiful smile you get in exchange couldn’t be more valuable. But good dental health is about more than brushing, right? Indeed it is. Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about dental hygiene from your family dentist in Oklahoma City, Dr. Michael Kirk.

Your Mouth: Where It All Begins

Think of your mouth as the window to the rest of your body. What starts here affects your overall health — everything from what you eat to your gum health and even the alignment of your jaw all impact the way your body functions. Keep your wellness in check with proper oral hygiene, detailed below.

#1: Brushing and flossing

The foundation of healthy teeth begins at home, with consistent brushing and flossing. Brushing your teeth for two minutes, twice a day and flossing daily are your main defenses against plaque and tartar build up — the stuff that discolors teeth and causes decay and infection. No, once a day brushing isn’t enough… and flossing isn’t optional. Make sure you’re doing both regularly for optimal oral health.

#2: Eat a balanced diet

Your diet affects your oral health as much as it does your general health. Maintain a balanced, nutritious diet with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and low-fat dairy and protein sources. Your teeth and gums will benefit, and you’ll feel better overall.

#3: Watch out for hidden sugar sources

You know the major sugar offenders: soda, candy and your favorite desserts. But you may not be aware of hidden sources, like fruit juices, granola bars and sweetened yogurt. Be aware of how much sugar you’re exposing your teeth and gums to by checking the nutrition facts on your favorite foods.

#4: Keep up with routine maintenance (preventive care)

Just like your car needs a tune up from time to time, your teeth need a visit to the dentist every six months to keep them strong, healthy and decay-free. These visits give the team at Grand Dental Studio the chance to catch problems early, preventing lengthy treatments later on.


You can keep your smile healthy for years to come by staying on top of your routine maintenance. With that in mind, when was your last visit with Dr. Kirk and the team at Grand Dental Studio? Call us to schedule your appointment with the general dentist in Oklahoma City today!