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Keep Your Student in Class & Cavity-Free with These 3 Dental Tips

August 25, 2023

smiling female student with binder

Every year, thousands of students miss countless hours of school because of avoidable dental problems like cavities and broken/knocked-out teeth. For kids dealing with these issues, they risk getting behind in class, and parents have to juggle work and scheduling last-minute dental appointments, so it’s a situation every family wants to avoid. Thankfully, with a few simple dental tips, you can dramatically lower the chance that your child will experience a dental emergency that can throw off everyone’s schedules.

A Mouthguard for Every Athlete

One of the primary causes of cracked, chipped, and knocked-out teeth is sports-related injuries, and this is true whether you’re talking about children or even pros! Whether your child plays a contact sport or not, a custom-made mouthguard from a dentist is more than worth the investment. It will protect their teeth, gums, and lips from unexpected (or expected) impacts and falls so that a mishap on the field doesn’t have you wind up sitting in a dentist’s office. Your little athlete will be much more likely to wear it because of the personalized fit versus wrestling with a generic guard that interferes with their ability to breathe and speak to their teammates.

Consistent Dental Hygiene is Key

Most dental emergencies aren’t the result of a traumatic accident, but rather a small problem is allowed to turn into a much larger one. This is how toothaches develop—a child gets a small cavity that goes unnoticed, and one day, they wake up with a lot of oral pain because it has had time to progress. Once the tooth is hurting, there isn’t too much you can do beyond taking them to the dentist.

BUT, by working with your child to establish a consistent oral hygiene routine (which includes brushing twice a day and flossing once), you can stop this chain of events before it starts. For younger kids, simply having their parents brush with them is often enough motivation to get them into the habit, and for older kids, little incentives for brushing every day for a week or month is a great way to make them do it consistently.

Reach Out to Their Dentist

It’s wise to have your child receive a professional checkup and cleaning before classes start or right at the beginning of the school year so any potential problems can be found early and treated before they end up causing pain and absences. In addition to giving your child an exam and cleaning their teeth, they can also offer helpful advice, like which items should go into a smile-friendly lunch.

You have enough on your plate as a parent, so having a go-to professional when it comes to your child’s oral health shouldn’t be overlooked—their dentist is a great resource when it comes to hands-on treatment and actionable knowledge you can use between visits.

About the Practice

Dr. Michael Kirk is a long-serving restorative, cosmetic, and family dentist who has proudly taken care of the Oklahoma City community for over 30 years. He’s joined by Dr. Neeral Patel, a graduate of the University of Oklahoma’s Advanced Education in General Dentistry program, which is one of the most elite dental residencies in the country. They have plenty of experience working with children and parents to ensure growing smiles stay in class and avoid surprise toothaches and dental injuries. If you want to make sure your child has a great start this school year, you can book their appointment at Grand Dental Studio by clicking here.